Your visit to Vienna’s 7th district

In den 7er News erzählt im7ten, wo überall Begegnungen mit dem Grätzlfeeling am Neubau, 1070 Wien, möglich sind.

Far from Sissi-kitsch and romantic ’Fiaker’ rides

You are looking for an authentic souvenir other than Stephansdom, Mozart, and such? Welcome to Neubau, the vibrant home to creative spirits and entrepreneurship. Vienna‘s hippest district lies at your feet and is waiting to be discovered by you. Far from Sissi-kitsch and romantic ’Fiaker’ rides, Neubau celebrates its own understanding of Viennese authenticity. Enjoy the fresh breeze and dive into an adventure, there are new ideas around every corner.

Finest yarn from Brillantengrund

During the 17th century, the area now called Neubau was already known for its textile industry. Based on the lucrative velvet and silk businesses, it gained the name Brillantengrund (diamond grounds). Even today, you can still connect to the glorious history of the seventh district. There are many hip shops where the modern avant-garde scene meets, wearing things that are definitely not off the rack. Take the day to experience Brillantengrund and try the-day-aftertomorrow‘s trends.

Beer, ‘Spritzwein’, and nightlife

The day is ending, but you aren‘t done yet? You are lucky because you are not alone. In Neubau, the night is always busy. Celebrate life in one of the many bars and venues with beer or ’Spritzwein’ until the morning comes. Amongst the many places you can find in Neubau, you won‘t find a megadisco here. Nightlife in the seventh district sparkles in many colors and unites freethinkers and non-conformists from across the city. Dive into a world of smiling faces, become friends with tipsy part-time philosophers, and enjoy the good company.

Hidden places and mysterious corners

What is better than walking through an unknown town with eyes wide open? It is all new and exciting, and there is an adventure lurking at every crossing. Have fun exploring!

Photo: © Eugenie Sophie Photography
Originally written in German by Veronika Fischer
Translated by Veronika Fischer


7 Cocktailbars im 7. Bezirk. Kommt mit und gönnt euch eine Auszeit im Grätzl

7 cocktails bars in the 7th district

im7ten has embarked on a journey to 7 special cocktail bars in the third smallest district. Come with us, discover new taste experiences, and get one or two insider tips for the next sundowner with friends.

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