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7 facts about the 7th district

Die Straßenbahnlinie 49 fährt zwischen Volkstheater und MuseumsQuartier hinauf Richtung Urban-Loritz-Platz.

Do you like eating out in the 7th district as much as we do and then strolling through the streets with your friends? It’s always nice to impress with some random facts about the area you are in. We’ve collected seven interesting facts about Neubau for you that are easy to remember.

The 7th district is Vienna’s third smallest district.

It covers an area of ​​1.608 km². Only Mariahilf (the 6th district) with 1.455 km² and Josefstadt (the 8th district) with 1.09 km² are smaller.
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Der älteste Teil des 7. Bezirks ist St. Ulrich, früher Zeismannsbrunn.
St.-Ulrichs-Platz is one of the oldest spots in the seventh district.

The 7th district is located on a hilly area.

The west of Neubau is 212 meters above sea level, thirty meters above the level of the MuseumsQuartier at 182 meters above sea level. The riverbed of the Ottakringer Bach (Ottakringer stream) in the north and the Wienfluss (Vienna river) just below the southern district border made the area in between appealing for settlers. This topographical advantage, which allowed a good overview of the area, was used by Kara Mustapha during the Turkish siege in 1693 and by the French general Henri-Gatien Bertrand in 1809 to bombard the Hofbug (the Emperor’s castle in the first district).

Neubau was originally the 6th district.

When the suburbs in today’s Neubau area became part of Vienna in 1850, the area became the 6th district. Only when Wieden was divided into two districts (today’s 4th district—Wieden—and 5th district—Margareten) in 1861, Neubau became the 7th district. The following year, the district boundaries were redrawn. Parts of Mariahilf and Laimgrube in the southeast, as well as a part of Altlerchenfeld in the northwest, were added to the 7th district.

Das Volkstheater im 7. Bezirk wurde 1889 als bürgerliches Gegenstück zum kaiserlichen (Hof-)Burgtheater begründet.
Volkstheater is located in the 7th district. It was established as the people’s counterpart of the imperial Hofburgtheater.

Neubau consists of seven district parts.

St. Ulrich, Spittelberg, Mariahilf, Laimgrube, Neubau, Schottenfeld, and Altlerchenfeld. Schottenfeld makes up the largest part.

Only five parts are represented in the district coat of arms of Neubau.

Mariahilf and Laimgrube, which are only partly in the 7th district but mainly in the 6th district, are represented in the district coat of arms of the 6th district.

Up to 80,000 residents once lived in Neubau.

With the establishment of the silk industry and the associated crafts in the suburbs of Vienna, in what is now the 7th district, an incredible influx from southern Germany and Gorizia began. In 1869, 80,043 residents were counted on today’s Neubauer terrain. In 2023, 31,581 people lived in Neubau.

The smallest house in Vienna is located in the 7th district.

The smallest house in Vienna is located in the 7th district, which at 14 m² is smaller than many a child’s room. “Schmollgruber’s Uhrenhaus” (Schmollgruber’s Clock House)—as it is written above the classicist sage-colored and white facade, on the sand-colored house behind it—is on the corner of Breite Gasse and Burggasse. It can be admired from the tram window on a ride on the 49.

Das kleinste Haus in Wien steht in der Breite Gasse Ecke Burggasse und hat einen Grundriss von 14 m².
Vienna’s tiniest house is located in Breite Gasse on the corner of Burggasse and measues only 14 m².

Originally written in German by Veronika Fischer
Translated by Veronika Fischer

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