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13 funny things to do when you visit Vienna

Foto: Tozik via Pixabay
  1. Walk at least one of the routes of the ‘7er-Plan’.
    issue 2017
    issue 2019
  2. Buy an issue of the ‘Augustin’ newspaper.
  3. Have a real Viennese breakfast with a ‘Kipferl’.
  4. Take a stroll through one of the Viennese parks and take in the plants and flowers.
  5. Have an ‘Eitrige’ at one of the many sausage stands.
  6. Have a ‘Spritzer’ at a ‘Heurigen’.
  7. Take a walk along the ‘Donaukanal’ (Danube channel) and try not to get hit by a bike.
  8. Watch the people in the U6. That’s Vienna at its finest.
  9. Try dodging the Mozart’s on Stephansplatz.
  10. Ask someone for the way just to ask the next person two streets on.
  11. Pay your groceries in coins only at Billa.
  12. Smile at a stranger on the street.
  13. Use the words ‘Leiwand’, ‘Oida’ and ‘Ur’ in a sentence.
    ‘Leiwand’ means cool, ‘ur’ means very, and ‘oida’ is very versatile. Check out how to use it in this ‘ur leiwand’ YouTube video.

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photo: Tozik via Pixabay
alterations by im7ten: blue sky, red umbrella segments, blurry windows, tram number made invisible


7 Cocktailbars im 7. Bezirk. Kommt mit und gönnt euch eine Auszeit im Grätzl

7 cocktails bars in the 7th district

im7ten has embarked on a journey to 7 special cocktail bars in the third smallest district. Come with us, discover new taste experiences, and get one or two insider tips for the next sundowner with friends.

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